Coding Summer Camp

For ages 6 - 14
Aug 04 2020 - Aug 07 2020
Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - 3:30 pm (PST)
#3265-3rd Floor, 4000 No.3 Rd, Richmond
Students in this camp will be working with python to understand computer algorithms and computer programming basics. This is an introduction to computer programming concepts, designs, and implementations through learning how to create games by scripting themselves! At the end of this camp, students will have created their own versions of their favorite games that they can share with their friends and family. Additionally, they will have built the foundations to understand computer programming principles and logic. We will divide students into 2 Age groups upon registration: Group 1 - ages 6-8 ;Group 2 - ages 9-14
Age: 6 - 14


Student Registration

First Name*:
Last Name:
Special Considerations:
Enroll Student
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